Distribute Rainforest Blends™

Medical + Wellness Professionals

We are a wholesale company, making these unique Rainforest Blends™ available ONLY through licensed, accredited Medical Professionals and Health & Wellness Practitioners.  To inquire to see if we are a fit for your office, patients, and clients, please email us.  We can answer any questions you may have, set up an interview with the formulators, and ignite the application process.  Info@rainforestalive.net

No Comparison!

It is RARE to find a company that guarantees the highest-quality, full bio-energetic latex, of a wild-crafted formula coming directly from the Amazon Rainforest to YOU.  Now it is possible.  

With the ancient technology of Spygeric Processing, powerful relationships with Indigenous Communities, sustainable Bio-Dynamic Harvesting, you are equipped with the most potent, life-enriching botanical elixirs currently available on the planet.

Physicians Health Report®

A unique software available to you to support the function and flow of your Practice.  Over the past 3 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars, we are able to offer you a simple easy method of supporting your clientele remotely, trading-in the time-for-money model so many Practitioners are limited by.  

With the Physicians Health Report®, you can now increase the number of patients/clients you serve as well as your monthly income, with simplicity, confidence, and a well-thought-out path.  

In addition to the Rainforest Blends™ line, the Physicians Health Report® has access to well over 800 carefully formulated products, from homeopathy to vitamins and mineral complexes to flower essences to skin care.  Can you imagine opening up your offerings to include this wealth of support?  

Your patients and clients deserve this kind of support.  

You deserve this kind of expansion.